We love to provide you with appealing sales images. Therefore, we provide the free feature called Pro Check, which assists you in creating particularly advantageous sales photos. This feature serves you with various useful information about your vehicle’s photos, such as whether you have photographed your vehicle at a favorable angle and much more.
We hope you find this feature helpful in showcasing your vehicle in the best possible light. To activate the Pro Check feature, simply switch to the settings tab.
Awesome Pro Check features
- APPEALING ANGLE: Capturing the vehicle at an appealing angle is the key to success. Make sure to get the perfect shot! Overly exaggerated bird’s eye views or fisheye effects are not very attractive. We will provide you with tips for each of your photos to help you improve.
- PERSPECTIVE DISTORTION: Unflattering perspective distortions are detected. These distortions could occur when you are standing too close to the vehicle. Remember to pay attention to the dashboard auxiliary line displayed while taking photos. It will help ensure you capture the best shots [here].
- PEOPLE OBSCURING: Make sure there aren’t any people covering your vehicle in the photo. This ensures that the vehicle can be completely isolated from the background.
- PARTIALLY VISIBLE: Check that the photographed object is not only partially visible. This ensures that the entire vehicle is visible in the photo. Of course, it is still possible to photograph only part of a vehicle, such as the interior, the trunk or the rims
A few impressions of what the Pro Check recognizes as well as possible hints about the photos you provided (see also here):